Business Plan with Shopping Annuity Emphasis

ision – 15 minutes
Plan – 26 minutes

Q and A – 15 minutes
Book follow up – 4 minutes

Bring a catalogue for your guest.

Step 1: Establish rapport [be likeable and interested in them]
Have you ever owned your own business?
If not: Why not?
If Yes: What did you like best?

I am going to share a little bit of information on the business we are launching in the area. t
It is called the Unfranchise because it offers the best of franchising [products, marketing tools and training]  and eliminates the worst of franchising [high upfront costs, ongoing royalties etc.]

Step 2: Give a brief description of the business [or product system]  [AKA Your Answer to what is it.]

The 'Un-franchisor' is Market America. Market America is  market research based, product brokerage company headquartered in Greensboro, NC since 1992.

What that means is this.
– They do not manufacture products.
– They identify market trends.
– They then seek out a manufacturer or service vendors for these market driven products.
– They provide distribution rights  to trained UNFRANCHISE OWNERS .

– They provide 8 different e-commerce enabled websites including a site that has 4 times the products of [which was launched by Bill Gates and powered by microsoft.] 
– They offer 2500 exclusive products
– Isotonically formulated supples

– Customizable cosmetics and skin care
– Auto, health and personal care products.
– Household cleaning and home and garden products

and millions of affilate products offered through Walmart, Target, Home depot advanced auto and several hundred different stores.

The person who invited you will send you a link to their shopping site, where you can get products at discount and earn cash back .
The beauty of this company is you can customize it based on your interest and goals.

The simplest way to build this business is to turn your personal purchases into cash and help others do the same. We will be watching a short video on that in a moment.

But its optional, but if you want you can ALSO build a business within the business Market America provides the products, tools, training and certification to do so.  For example: You can trained to be a wellness coach , A makeup artists with a customizable cosmetic line; an anti-aging specialist, a website developer, a financial management consultation, a non-profit fundraiser, a nutraceutical rep helping medical practices establish a wellness division.

Step 3: Provide credentials for the company or the system

The company has gotten a lot of attention from people in high places:

A Citation of Excellence from Elaine Marshall, NC Secretary of State reflecting: 
Our integrity
Our economic impact on NC

From the Better Business Bureau
Platinum rating
The Torch Award for Marketplace Excellence

Recognition and respect for our business paradigm given by:
Internet Retailer magazine
Top 50 internet retailers worldwide
Fastest growing mobile app

Featured in several credible media including: 
Wall Street Journal – One to One Marketing Industry – Success from Home Magazine
Bloomberg report – Forbes magazine

Product endorsements from: 
The Olympic Standards Committee – Dr. Klatz- Robert Goldman – Author of The Antiaging Revolution- Dr. Shari Lieberman – Author of Dare to Lose
Dr. Steven Lamm – Author of the Hardness Factor –  Dr. Richard Atwater [Author of The Antioxidant Revolution] – actress- Jennifer Lopez – superstar
Scotty Pippen – NBA Hall of Famer – Carmelo Anthony

Step 4: Explain why you are excited about it [AKA as your 2 minute commercial] 

This company has been a life changer for me: Michael and I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. It is a lovely place to live, but a difficult place to make a living. Desperation is the mother of an open mind. At the time I opened my UnFranchise®, I was a professional writer. My husband was a carpenter. The cost of living was outstripping our income and I needed to find a way to make more money.One thing I knew for sure. I did not want a JOB. I had given up a successful career in public relations. Freelance writing has its challenges, but at least I was home. I had been using some Market America products and selling some to friends for several months. Now I became intrigued with the business plan. My goal was not lofty. I was seeking to earn an extra $300 a month to supplement my writing. Why not give the unique business modality a try?

Though not exactly a superstar in my effort, I was consistent and it paid off. Within 3 years I was able to achieve an income level of $7500 – $10,000 in a 4 week pay cycle. Better yet, I have been able to sustain and be supported by my MA-income ever since. I get paid EVERY WEEK.Now, in an area known for its high cost of living and low median income, Michael and I live debt free, have strategic investments and time to pursue hobbies and interests. And my focus: matching people to the resources they need to live the life they want. 

Step 5: Show them the shopping annuity video:

Step 6:  Pretty simple huh?

You make money several ways – Immediate Cash Back on your purchases, Cash back on referrals, Retail profit on products sold, commissions on volume accrued and if you want – you can earn consulting fees for some of the specialties.  Are you interested in learning more about the specifics of the compensation?

I understand. Not everyone is looking for a plan B.
I appreciate your time and can set you up to earn discounts and cashback on your personal purchases. 


– Show them the video on your recruiting site:
– Send them a link to watch the video and book a follow up to answer their questions.

Step 7:

Ask, what did you like best?
Can you think of some people who might be interested in this?
What would prevent you from getting started now?

Step 8:


– Qualified Distributors – $129.95/$250 products of your choice [200 bv]  
– Fast Start Distributor – $399.95 includes app and biz tools – $400 in products.


– Sales Rep – Free – access to products at distributor cost.
– Distributor – $129.95  – access to products, 8 websites including a recruiting site or $149.95 app fee [includes Motives products]

Step 9:

– Schedule their business registration
– Schedule a time to go through the JUMP START YOUR BUSINESS segment on